Teaching Methods
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Re-Designed Cover, Second Edition Expanded. Contrasts Biblical and humanistic teaching methods. Vital for Christian Day and
Teaching and Learning
The Danger of Humanistic and Traditional Education
Humanistic vs. Christian Views
The Christian Philosophy of Education
Doctrine, Philosophy, and Methods
The Christian Philosophy of Discipline
Are Teaching Methods Neutral?
Identifying Humanist Methods
Individuality vs. Individualism
Learning By Doing
Humanistic Education Through Individualized Instruction
B. F. Skinner, Father of Individualized Instruction
The Fallacies of Individualized Instruction
The Failures of Individualized Instruction
Identifying Christian Methods
The Ear and Christian Education
The Value of Memorization
Notebooks vs. Workbooks
Facts vs. Concepts
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