Little Red Hen
*Recommended for children ages 5 and up. See content.* Children are touched by the illustrated story of the little Red Hen. Sensing danger from an onrushing prairie fire, she gathers...
$ 300
Teaching Methods
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 Re-Designed Cover, Second Edition Expanded. Contrasts Biblical...
$ 800
Teaching Tips
A book full of helpful hints for Christian school teachers! By Doris Peppard A refreshing approach to teachers of all experience levels! Over 70 topics. Includes note to teachers, subjects...
$ 1000
What Every Kid Wants to Know! Gospel Tract
TRACTS are in PACKAGES of 50 or 100 (Important Note for large order/over 150: Order EARLY due to being print-on-demand.) ”What is electricity?” “Where does it come from?” “Can I...
$ 500