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How To: Daily Quiet Time with God


Want a deeper relationship with God? Start with just seven minutes a day. Most Christians firmly believe in the importance of spending daily regular time in God’s Word and in prayer. Yet, so many of us struggle to do this consistently. Perhaps that’s because we think this time with God has to be a monumental, mystical experience.

Picture this: A cozy study with a crackling fire and warm light bouncing around the room.. On either side of the hearth sits a wingback chair. Now, you come to the door of the room and Jesus is quietly waiting for you in one of those chairs. You must decide if you want to sit and have "quite time" with Him, or if you want to pass by the door to do something else. No matter what you choose to do, Jesus will always be in that chair, waiting for you, welcoming you when you decide to enter and sit with Him..

Click HERE for the printable to learn HOW

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